Friday, December 3, 2010

Nobody Puts Bunndini In A Corner

It's holiday party season and Mr. Bunndini is flying solo. This is both a blessing (not feeling responsible for socially awkward and/or whinny and/or inappropriately drunk boyfriends) and a curse (no one to secretly mock people with or appreciate that I'm wearing heels). Here are some gentlemen who have offered their services as an escort to my office christmas party next weekend. I'm liking the jaunty look of suitor number one but he looks high maintenance. The other three are clearly a bunch of cheap gigolos.


  1. oh, I don't know, number three has a certain je-ne-c'est quoi. also, sid would like to throw his hat into the ring. he suspects you move in brie-eating circles.

  2. oos, sorry, number 4. number three is a cheap hussy for sure.

  3. Number 4 looks dangerous and edgy but at the end of the day probably plays world of warcraft in his underpants and hides vodka bottles in his sock drawer.

  4. that's a nasty melange of unattractive traits. you should probably continue solo but accept our standing assurance that you look great in heels and can always text your friends when you want to mock other people.

  5. I think he also smokes in the apartment and insists on me making him soup when he's hungover. He may also have a ceramic dolphin collection which he brings with him camping but I'm not sure.

  6. how does he feel about postcards?

  7. He sends one every day with baked goods.
