Monday, September 6, 2010

Now With 75% More Raisins!

DAY OLD MUFFIN (noun): A person with a dire lack of finances or motivation who unknowingly exhibits pitiful behaviour but remains endearing regardless.

Behaviours could include but are not limited to; sleeping on an air mattress in your friends guestroom for months, hemming your pants with staples, crying at the bar and eating nothing but a dented can of beans for dinner.


  1. I hem my pants with staples, eat beans out of a can for dinner and occasionally cry at the bar. My friends' air mattress deflated. metaphor for life?

  2. We all have day old muffin tendencies regardless of the state of our borrowed air mattresses.

  3. Also, slap some icing on a day old muffin and you can call it a cupcake. That is possibly also a metaphor for life.
