Monday, December 20, 2010

Tabasco Shots For All My Friends

In four short days Dr. Mavis Stapler will be enjoying the Vancouver rain, nachos at the Foundation, an entire case of wine and the tasty plethora of cheeses that $100 buys at Les Ami Du Fromage. Mr. Green Onion Pancake the hamster is so excited that's he's stress eating between bouts of grocery shopping and re-runs of The Golden Girls.


  1. mavis stapler has already packed every thing in her closet that lacks a waistband and allows easy access to her navel for smoking.

  2. Pierre Le Deuce will be pleased to hear that.

  3. Is Pierre back? Last I saw him he had an injured hoof and possible liver damage from his east coast adventures....

  4. Pierre is back and he's bringing his pal Meatballs McGee with him.
