Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ain't No Warning Like A Bivalve Shellfish Warning

Bunndini and his cohorts spent the past week island hopping via ferry to Galliano then via float plane to Thetis then via ferry to Chemainus to stock up on supplies.

Algae Frankenstein and her anxiety were not please with the jauntiness of the float plane but Strongbow comforted them both immediately upon arrival.

Beers were consumed beginning at 11:36am daily. Sunburns were achieved. Books were partially read. Hair was not washed.

Jo Jo the starfish liked it when we played jenga with him.

Throwing caution (and paralytic shellfish poisoning) to the wind Mr. Bunndini and Dr. Stapler ate fresh oysters topless on a deserted beach (beach not pictured). Lacking tools I flung the oysters against the rocks until they popped open. Several oysters were critically harmed in this endeavour but the sandpipers cleaned up the mess.

An entire bottle of small batch bourbon from Texas was imbibed on this rock and skinny dipping may or may not have occurred (depending on who you ask).

1 comment:

  1. Is that a big fat seal in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
