Sunday, January 16, 2011

Don't Be Gruel


  1. I got a little worried about him towards the end there but he is OK!

  2. I had a dream last night that i was in some sort of intense contest where we had to post cute videos of 30 different animals in a very short amount of time. and we could not repeat with different kinds of animals, as in, if we had posted a video of a black bear we could not use one of a panda bear. i woke up very stressed out. i blame mr. bunndini

  3. Do not fret! If that were to happen Mr. Bunndini would take over for you and win the contest for you by a landslide.

  4. i also had a dream that kit-cat was chasing a skunk around the house and then maggie started chasing kit-cat and the skunk and then the skunk sprayed the whole house and us.

  5. Mr. Bunndini suggests that you stop taking LSD immediately before bed time. Try warm milk instead.
