Mr. Bunndini gets invited to a lot of fancy cocktail parties (which should surprise no one). Often at these parties he finds himself in the middle of confusing political conversations but he laughs along with all the other guests and nods his head knowingly. One such recent tête-à-tête was regarding the smell one's urine takes on after ingesting the vegetable asparagus. Mr. Bunndini was confused because A) he eats a lot of asparagus and B) he smells his pee thoroughly before disposing of it. He felt left out and after doing an exhaustive scientific study (also know as surfing the interweb) he determined that our bodies all break down the complex proteins in asparagus in the same way and all of our urine then takes on the malodorous stink but some of us who are very very special (like Mr. Bunndini) just simply cannot smell it. So to put it into scientific terms - either you dealt it OR you dealt it and you also smelt it. If anyone wants to test this hypothesis it would involve eating asparagus with Mr. Bunndini and then smelling each others pee. Interested parties enquire within.
Also, Mr Bunndini is not sure why he's speaking in the third person today but it may have something to do with the lack of red vines in his system. He's going to California next week and hopes to rectify that situation. One final note is that Mr. Bunndini will not be using the word "rectify" in this forum again unless specifically speaking about his (or someone else's) rectum.

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